
Guten Tag!! As they say in Germany!!

We have been the Shelly’s since Nov. 6, 2010!!Wedding

This is our child, Cleveland the Pug!! He is our adorable chubby, wubby, puggily pug!! He is back in Georgia with the In-Laws! We miss him soooooo much!!  😦


I am a stay at home wife going to Western Governs University to be a Middle School Mathematics Teacher! I love crafting, Pinteresting, watching my husband play some Hockey, GO KMC EAGLES!!, and traveling!!

Overlooking Sorrento, Italy!!

Overlooking Sorrento, Italy!!

My husband is in the military! He loves all sports and plays anything he can, anytime he can! His top 3 would have to be; Hockey (Ice & Inline) GO KMC EAGLES!!, golf, and softball! He is the BIGgest computer gaming nerd, but I still claim him!

Bear overlooking Florence, Italy!

Bear overlooking Florence, Italy!

My sessy #23!!

My sessy #23!!

We hope you enjoy our adventures as much as we do!!

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