Cruise – Olympia

For our 4th wedding anniversary, we took a 2 week cruise to Greece, Turkey, and Italy. It was magical and we thoroughly enjoyed our cruise line, Costa Cruise!!

Our first stop was at the legendary ancient Olympic site of…Olympia!!

Field where the original games were held!

Field where the original games were held!

Olympia was the site where the Olympic games began. The games started around the 8th century BC and the first games consisted of athletes running from one end of the field to the other. They estimate that this was about a 400k.

Every 4 years they would add something to the games, until we have what we have now! For instance, the 2nd year they supposedly added running from one end to the other.

This has always been on Tabitha’s bucket list, since she can remember. The thought of standing where the first ever Olympic Athletes stood, just blows my minds! To see more pictures from Olympia, CLICK HERE! 

We will continue to add more post from the cruise, as soon as we can!