Pig Fest 2014

Ah…summer is always fun with all the fest going on around Germany. Music-, wine-, beer-, summer-, color-fest, and many more!!!

This previous weekend, after a very intense hockey tournament, we decided to celebrate the end of the first ice hockey tournament with a trip to Wittlich, to participate in the Pig Fest!!

I have heard a couple different stories of the origin of the Pig Fest, but the first one I heard is my favorite.

A town was under attack and villagers were being killed. Some of the villagers decided to hid in the barn to try to not get killed. However, it was an old barn and the key hole was large and you could see in through the key hole. They thought they would be smart and put a carrot in the key hole. (Honestly, if I was the bad guy, I would wonder why there was a random carrot in a key hole of a barn.) In the middle of the night, a pig came by and ate the carrot. (Back to what I was saying earlier about putting a carrot in a key hole!!!) Therefore, the bad guys came by the barn and looked in the key hole to see the villagers. So, they killed them. So, every year the town comes together and roast over a hundred of pigs every year in honor of their past villagers killed by a hungry, hungry pig!

The fest had tons of rides, vendors selling all sort of different little things, food, alcohol, and of course pig!!!! Near the concert stage, they had a huge tent with 2 pigs roasting over a fire….It sure was yummy in my tummy!!! Can’t wait to go back next year and have some more delicious pigs!!!

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More information on this festival can be found HERE!!!