
AHHH Paris…can we just win the lottery already so we buy a flat in Paris and go whenever we would like.

There are so many things to see and do, so here are just a few of our favorites!!

Eiffel Tower…Of course this would be at the top of the list! It is hard to say if it was our absolute favorite thing, but definitely in the top 5!! We highly recommend buying tickets online prior to the trip to go up to the top, it was worth it!! After seeing it at night…I think it might have secured it place in the top 2!!!

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Pictures from the 2nd story of the Eiffel Tower. It rained on us for a second, but it was worth it to see the gorgeous rainbow!

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View from the top…it was truly spectacular!!

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Ah…and the most BEAUTIFUL part of the Eiffel Tower is seeing it at night!! Every hour on the hour, for 5 minutes, it twinkles from head to toe. The pictures didn’t come out, which is sad…but it is still quite impressive to see at night!

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Next on the top of our favorite list was, The Louvre. It has always been a dream of mine to see the Mona Lisa, so to get to stand in front of it…it was a dream come true. It was fairly larger than I expected. Everyone always says how small she is, but we found her to be larger then expected!

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Another really cool thing we saw was Love Lock Bridge. They say that your love and you put a lock on this bridge (if you can find room – the sides of the bridge are filled with thousands of locks!!! NO LIE!!), then your love and you throw the key into the water for good luck.

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Of course we throw the keys over!!




They say that they cut the locks off every so often, and you can see why!! SO MANY!!!






Here are just a few other pictures of our favorite places and sites that we saw…

Statue of Liberty

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Notre Dame Cathedral

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Arc de Triomphe





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Of course no trip to France is complete without Macaroons and Champagne…

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We enjoyed our trip SO much!! To see more pictures of ALL the amazing things we saw…trust me, there are WAY more on Flickr than could fit on this post!! CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE!!


Catacombs of Paris

Our last day in Paris, we put our big kids pants on and waited the 2 hours to go through the Catacombs.

All we knew going in was that…A. bones of 6 million people were going to be down there, B. You can get arrested for trying to steal a bone, C. It was going to be a long wait…

What we saw, was nothing for what we were thinking!

We only went through a section that was 2km long, but as you walk around…you can see where there are many, many more tunnels filled with the bones.

You’ll also see on the bottom pictures, where they have filled the ceilings in some areas with concrete and marked with black lines, to ensure that the cave doesn’t collapse!!

**BEWARE** These pictures are of bones…







Mont Saint Michel – Normandy, France


Mama Eagles take on Mont Saint Michel

Mama Eagles take on Mont Saint Michel



Mont Saint Michel is a beautiful hour drive from the hockey tournament Bear participated in last week in Caen, France in the Normandy region.

The picture does not do justice to this beautiful island commune.  We were lucky enough for the tide to be low so we could come and go from the island as pleased. It would be beautiful to see the tide come in from the ocean, but one would have to be present 2 hours prior to opening and then one could not leave the island until a certain time.

It is hard to say what was the best part of the island…

The Views



The Multiple Museums


or The Abbey.


It is said that Mont Saint Michel is thought to have been around since 708 and is a beautiful example of military architecture. It was named in honour of the Archangel.

The Abbey is spectacular and one of the most unique monasteries I have seen while traveling Europe! Since the Mont is designed like a pyramid, the Abbey was constructed around the granite  rocks.

To see more pictures of Mont Saint Michel…CLICK HERE to go to the Flickr stream!