‘Tis the Season

Ah, the life of a military spouse can sometimes be a tad lonely. You learn to become more independent while they maybe TDY or Deployed. It can be a fun time, lonely time, and a time to learn more about yourself. Brandyn is currently deployed for a couple months. Since I am in school and do not work, I was lucky enough to go back to my home, Georgia, for a couple months and spend this holiday season with my family and friends!!! It has been an amazing time and I have only been back in the states for 1 week, I don’t know if I will be able to handle the next couple months!! HAHA The worst part of being back in the states is missing the tradition of the Christmas Markets. Now, I know that around this time of the year, some places host markets for people to go to and get gifts for their families…But they have NO idea how amazing a German Christmas Market is!!! There are TONS of vendors with décor, food, and drinks. It is a tradition known around the world and one of my Favorite things about living overseas around the Holiday season!!! Last year we hit up a couple different markets. Sadly, I did not take as many pictures as I should have but, here are a couple…

Gluhwein is a tasty tradition. It is hot wine and just the need you need as you walk the markets in cold, cold weather!!

Gluhwein is a tasty tradition. It is hot wine and just the need you need as you walk the markets in cold, cold weather!!

The Christmas Market in Heidelberg and Stuttgart BOTH had outside ice skating rink!!!

The Christmas Market in Heidelberg and Stuttgart BOTH had outside ice skating rink!!!


I am sad that I will not be spending my weekends with my handsome husband exploring Christmas Markets, or spending the Holiday season with my husband in general. But, this is military life and I am thankful to spend a Christmas home in 3 years with my family and friends!!

If you are checking out this blog for the first time because you received our Christmas Card, WELCOME!! We hope you enjoy exploring our European adventure!! If you were wondering where all the places were in our Christmas card…here is the card and a cheat sheet to see exactly where all we have been this past year!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!

christmas card 2013 christmas card 2013 backThis card was designed my ME and printed at POP’s in Ramstein.


Cheat Sheet:

Christmas Card Details Front Christmas Card Details Back