Pompeii, Sorrento, and Naples

Pompeii was amazing to see all the ruins of the ancient city!! Here are just a few of our favorites, we will post more at the end!

Outside the City ruins!

Outside the City ruins!

Pompeii's Colosseum

Pompeii’s Colosseum

Where Bear is standing is where the pee and poop use to flow!!!

Where Bear is standing is where the pee and poop use to flow!!!

This was basically like their courtyard to their gym

This was basically like their courtyard to their gym


In Sorrento, we had the BEST pizza ever!!! They say that is where pizza was invented. Queen Marguerite was coming to visit and she wanted something that was different and involved something that they were known for. So, what they did was make the dough and add sauce and cheese and called it a Margarita pizza in honor of her!!!

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Sadly, we didn’t spend much time in Naples. We want to go back and spend some more time there!!! To see a lot more pictures from Pompeii, Sorrento, and Naples, check out Flickr HERE!!!

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