Utah Beach

DSC07157Utah Beach was our first stop while visiting Normandy! We enjoyed some time seeing a camp set-up at an old church that saw some action during WWII, walking on the beach, exploring the museum, and watching Holland Parachutist wearing 1940’s  uniforms jump from a C-47 plane they jumped out of then!!  Utah Beach is where the American troops landed on June 6, 1944.

This is the actual Utah Beach!! Standing where previous military members risked their life, man it was truly touching!

This is the actual Utah Beach!! Standing where previous military members risked their life, man it was truly touching!DSC07137







DSC07020The most inspiring part of the trip for us, would have to be seeing all the vets who proudly served! Many were lost, but many survived! To hear their tales and what it was like for them, it was so amazing that words do not do it justice!!








This is what brought the men onto Utah Beach! They crammed into these boats in England and traveled across the English Channel.










The coolest part was getting to watch the Holland Parachutist wearing 1940’s  uniforms jump from a C-47 plane that they used the day of the raids!! It was so nice to see them do this, especially since we have all seen pictures in text books, papers, and online!












To see more picture, check out Flickr!!!